Why Regular Exam & Cleanings Are So Important

September 20, 2022 7:38 pm Published by young woman in the dentist chair getting an exam and cleaning

Your parents told you it when you were younger. You’ve read it before in various articles. It’s no lie that regular dental exams and cleanings are important. But perhaps you’re wondering why exactly that’s the case? Well, here are a few reasons why!

Prevent Cavities

Nobody wants cavities and coming for your regular dental appointments can help avoid that. Even if you’re great at brushing and flossing your teeth at home, it’s another level of clean when you’re getting it handled by a dental professional with the right tools, techniques, and products. Plus, you can’t remove tartar (the hardened form of plaque) on your own, so you’ll need to come into a dentist’s office for that!

Saves on Future Dental Treatments

When you come in for a dental check-up, your dentist will examine whether there are any issues developing. By catching these problems in their early stages, it helps you avoid having to spend a lot of money and time fixing something that developed into something far more severe.

Help Teeth Last Longer

Our adult teeth are meant to last us for the rest of our life, but unfortunately, it’s not a guarantee. With regular exams and cleanings, your dental team can help make sure you have everything you need to preserve the longevity of your natural teeth, whether that be assessing whether you need a night guard to protect against grinding or spotting an infection before it leads to tooth loss.

Lessens Need for Dentures

Speaking of tooth loss, dentures are a good option for replacing missing teeth, but it would be great not to need them, right? With regular dental exams and teeth cleanings, we can check and make sure your teeth are in good condition, so you don’t have to be in the position of replacing them due to poor hygiene or some other kind of dental issue.

If it’s time for you to have your routine exam and cleaning, then we invite you to make an appointment at our San Antonio dental practice. Chandler Dental Center would be happy to help with all your smile needs, and we look forward to seeing you!

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