What Is the Difference Between a Teeth Cleaning & a Deep Teeth Cleaning?

May 9, 2022 5:44 pm Published by young woman getting a deep teeth cleaning at the dentist

If you keep up with your routine exams and cleanings, you likely know that professional cleanings are essential even though you brush and floss your teeth daily.

But if it’s been a while between visits or you’re more prone to developing dental issues, you may have been scheduled for a deep teeth cleaning rather than regular cleaning. If you have and don’t know the difference, keep reading!

Benefits of Teeth Cleanings

Our team is likely to tell you not to forget to brush or floss your teeth daily during each dental visit. What you do at home is most effective in caring for your oral health. However, routine teeth cleanings are also effective as visits with our team serve as an important checkpoint in how you’re caring for your oral health at home.

Other benefits of teeth cleanings include:

  • Gum Disease Prevention
  • Early Detection of Dental Problems
  • Reduced Bad Breath

Teeth Cleaning Vs. Deep Teeth Cleaning

It’s recommended that you keep up with routine dental cleanings at least twice a year. Though that is the standard recommended time apart between cleanings, we may recommend more annual visits or deep teeth cleaning based on your oral health.

Unlike a regular cleaning, which removes tartar and plaque between and off the teeth, a deep teeth cleaning is intended to fight gingivitis or gum disease.

Deep cleanings go below the gum line to clean hard-to-reach areas where tartar builds up to cause issues like gum disease or tooth loss. While deep cleanings can be uncomfortable, they can make the difference in avoiding costly restorative procedures down the road.

Signs You Need a Deep Teeth Cleaning

Our team will check your gum pockets during the exam to determine if you need deep teeth cleaning. If your pockets are:

  • Bleeding
  • Puffy
  • Receding

We may suggest deep teeth cleaning.

Dental Cleanings in San Antonio, Texas

When was the last time you received a dental cleaning? At Chandler Dental Center, we encourage new and returning patients to keep up with their routine dental care to help them maintain a healthy smile. Give our office a call to schedule your visit!

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This post was written by ChandlerDentalCenter

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